One of the best parts of my job is the many brilliant students I have the opportunity to mentor. Here is a (somewhat incomplete) list of the students and their projects.

NSTRF / NSTGRO (NASA Fellowship)

  • David Millard (2020 - ) - Differentiable physics simulators for machine learning
  • Holly Dinkel (2020 - ) - Cable segmentation
  • Ian Miller (2020- ) - Semantic mapping
  • Julia Di (2020- ) - Tactile sensing
  • Andrew Bylard (2018-2019) - Motion planning based on differential geometry.
  • Abhishek Cauligi (2018-2019) - Sampling-based motion planning for Astrobee.
  • Keenan Albee (2018- ) - Kinodynamic motion planning for Astrobee, with arm motion.
  • Chris Ericksen (2018-2021) - Learning object recognition from limited data, multi-robot scheduling.
  • Brian Hou (2018-2021)- Planning for non-prehensile manipulation.


  • Ellis Ratner - Path replanning
  • Gabriel Chuang - Acoustic mapping
  • Gialon Kasha - Astrobee task planning
  • Jason Dekarske - Astrobee time-delayed operation
  • Sayanti Roy - Operator attention modeling
  • Tammer Barkouki - Improving Astrobee operator understanding


  • Bernard-Michael Martial - Sensor fusion with satellite imagery
  • Holly Dinkel - Cable Segmentation
  • Kyle Newman - Automated testing for localization
  • Naama Glauber - Semi-supervised training for satellite imagery
  • Patrick Collins - DELTA applied to non-flood domains
  • Varsha Kumar - Open source localization algorithms for Astrorbee


  • Deanna Flynn - Neural architecture search
  • Julien Lombardo - Astrobee perching
  • Keanu Nichols - Deep learning for damaged building detection and cloud detection
  • Marina Moreira - Astrobee cargo transport
  • Robert Campbell - Asymmetric autoencoder search
  • Tevin Achong - Digital elevation maps integrated with remote sensing for deep learning
  • Yunji Kim - Multi-Astrobee communication and behaviors


  • Ruben Garcia - Android improvements for Astrobee and much more.
  • Evelyn Huang - Controlling Astrobee while grasping large objects.
  • Amit Palekar - Astrobee guest science examples and face tracking.
  • Ben Saeks - Astrobee arm firmware and drivers.
  • Robbie Selwyn - Astrobee guest science and signal lights.
  • Peter Wofford, Vivek Kumar, and Bryce Van Ross - Astrobee ZeroRobotics competition.


  • Marcelino Almeida - Astrobee obstacle mapping.
  • Miguel Borges - Open source Vive drivers for localization ground truth (publication, software).
  • Teresa Conceicao - Joint calibration of depth and visual cameras (publication).
  • Max Feinberg - Mapping and localization with different cameras.
  • Karen Orton - Astrobee Gazebo simulator.
  • Gwang Ho Park - Astrobee signal lights.
  • Jefferson Ridgeway - Automated regression testing for localization.


  • Marissa Dattler - Lake level monitoring
  • Nolan Cate, Chelsea Ackroyd, Anton Surunis - Measuring surface water changes in Lake Tahoe (video).
  • Philip Cooksey - Astrobee replanning in response to failures.
  • Pyojin Kim - Localization in changing lighting conditions (publication, video).